Warrants and Government Subpoenas

All warrants and government subpoenas should first be reviewed by the Office of Legal Counsel. If you are presented with a warrant or government subpoena, here are some reminders about proper protocol.

Remain calm and professional

Politely ask for the individual’s name and agency affiliation.

Direct the individual to the Office of Legal Counsel 

Inform the individual that you are not obstructing their process but that the University is represented by legal counsel, and all warrants and government subpoenas must be reviewed by the Office of Legal Counsel.

OLC can be reached by phone at 765-496-9059, by email at legalcounsel@purdue.edu, or by visiting Hovde Hall.

Maintain student privacy as required by federal laws, including FERPA and HIPAA

Please do not accept documents or provide personally identifiable information unless told to do so by the Office of Legal Counsel. Examples of personally identifiable information may include contact information, class lists, class schedules, etc.

Do not attempt to physically block or interfere with any law enforcement officer or agent

In the unlikely event that a law enforcement officer or agent refuses to follow your referral, do not attempt to physically block or interfere with the individual. Contact PUPD at 765-494-8221 (24/7) so that PUPD can immediately inform appropriate campus officials and assist as needed.


Questions about these procedures may be directed to the Office of Legal Counsel at legalcounsel@purdue.edu

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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